
The next installment for my series on things to do at The Gateway is finally here. Yay!

Dreamscapes is an art installation that I found absolutely enchanting. Everything there is meant to look like it could be a dream. And they nailed it! According to their website, over 50 artists came together to make this dream a dreamesque reality.

As you walk through the museum, you enter new world after new world designed to look like a different dream world. You have forests and oceans and ball pits; climbing and clouds and stickers.

My favorite room is one where everything is white. It's like a normal living room with chairs and tables and books. But it's all white. At first. Each guest gets a set of small stickers - one of each color of the rainbow. And you get to put the stickers anywhere you want in the room. It was really neat to see how people - strangers - at different times - but together - worked with each other to create designs and patterns.

This is an art museum (or whatever the proper term is) that Ryan and I have been to twice. After our first visit, we knew we had to take the kids. Little C and Little D had a fun time. At first when we told them we were going to go to a museum, they complained. Kids don't seem to like the word "museum". But once we were inside, there was only fun to be had.

Stay tuned! Next up: More Activities at The Gateway!


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