Float Spa 101
As soon as Sheldon and Amy on The Big Bang Theory tried out sensory deprivation chambers on the episode "The Inspiration Deprivation" back in April, Ryan and I were googling where we could go to try them out. Also known as a float spa, we found a place about 20 minutes south of us - True REST Float Spa. We were able to find a groupon to use saving us about 50% of the cost.
It was quite the interesting experience to say the least. First they showed us an intro to floating video all about the basics of what to do (and not do). The video was super cute and hilarious (which was quite nice considering intro videos like this are usually just boring.) The thesis statement of the video was "don't be an idiot," but also gave good tips on what you can expect.
Here is a picture of what the float spa room looked like:
We were then given a tour of the facility and shown how to use the float spas. We each got our own room with shower and spa bed (is that the right word?) and were basically left on our own. The spa bed had its own timer so we knew when our time was up.
Basically, it's a giant tub full of water and epsom salt with a lid. You get in, close the lid, float there for an hour, get out, shower, and leave. If you don't want to close the lid, you don't have to. If you want little lights on inside, you have that option too. And you can choose to have music playing or just silence.
I opted for lid closed, lights off and music on.
Here is a picture of Ryan and I in the room they had with restrooms and hair dryers and such for afterwards.
Ryan seemed to enjoy it more than I did, but he still described it as an "expensive nap". It was quite a strange experience. It was seriously just laying there, floating, in the dark (and silence) for an hour with nothing to do.
Do I regret going? No. But would I do it again? No.
Stay tuned! Next Up: My thoughts during the new Lion King movie
It was quite the interesting experience to say the least. First they showed us an intro to floating video all about the basics of what to do (and not do). The video was super cute and hilarious (which was quite nice considering intro videos like this are usually just boring.) The thesis statement of the video was "don't be an idiot," but also gave good tips on what you can expect.
Here is a picture of what the float spa room looked like:
We were then given a tour of the facility and shown how to use the float spas. We each got our own room with shower and spa bed (is that the right word?) and were basically left on our own. The spa bed had its own timer so we knew when our time was up.
Basically, it's a giant tub full of water and epsom salt with a lid. You get in, close the lid, float there for an hour, get out, shower, and leave. If you don't want to close the lid, you don't have to. If you want little lights on inside, you have that option too. And you can choose to have music playing or just silence.
I opted for lid closed, lights off and music on.
Here is a picture of Ryan and I in the room they had with restrooms and hair dryers and such for afterwards.
Ryan seemed to enjoy it more than I did, but he still described it as an "expensive nap". It was quite a strange experience. It was seriously just laying there, floating, in the dark (and silence) for an hour with nothing to do.
Do I regret going? No. But would I do it again? No.
Stay tuned! Next Up: My thoughts during the new Lion King movie
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